Simon Hilliard and Barron Fitz-Gerald are investment advisor representatives of Wellington Adams Investment Advisory, LLC a state registered independent investment advisor, serving customers in York, Pennsylvania and surrounding communities. Their mission is to provide local families and businesses with innovative planning solutions that promote security and an improved quality of life in retirement.
Simon Hilliard
Investment Advisor Representative, Financial Advisor, Founding Partner
Barron Fitz-Gerald
Investment Advisor Representative, Financial Advisor, Founding Partner
Helping our clients protect their assets and establish financial security, independence and economic freedom for themselves and those they care about is a noble endeavor and deserves our promise to support high standards of integrity, trust and professionalism throughout our careers as financial professionals. With these principles as a foundation, we freely accept the following obligations:
- To help maintain client confidence and protect their right to privacy.
- To work diligently to satisfy the needs of our clients.
- To present, accurately and honestly, all facts essential to our clients’ financial decisions.
- To render timely and proper service to our clients and ultimately their beneficiaries.
- To continually enhance professionalism by developing our skills and increasing our knowledge through education.
- To obey the letter and spirit of all laws and regulations which govern our profession.
- To conduct all business dealings in a manner which would reflect favorably on Wellington Adams Investment Advisory, LLC and our profession.
- To cooperate with others whose services best promote the interests of our clients.
- To protect the financial interests of our clients, their financial products, and our profession, through political advocacy.